Another Successful Food And Toy Run For MOW And Hampers Of Hope

Hanwood Football Club volunteered to help Meals on Wheels and Hampers of Hope wrap Christmas gifts for those in need this year.
The Griffith community’s generosity was once again in action at this year’s Meals on Wheels and Hampers of Hope Food and Toy Run.
Manager of MOW and HOH, Tennille Valensisi said we definitely have a very generous community.
“Our food hampers and toys firstly go out through to our current hamper recipients through our referral process, it was then sent out through the interagency network for other services (who don’t currently receive food hampers) to be able to send through a referral for gifts,” Ms Valensisi said.
“Once all of this is fulfilled, we drop deliveries at the hospital, children’s ward, preschools and the combined churches luncheon.
“We also deliver to the clients of MOW.”
Ms Valensisi said this Christmas was a tough time for many people, but there were a lot of services they could contact, including:
Emergency Services, 000;
Accessline, 1800 800 944;
Lifeline, 13 11 14;
13Yarn, 13 92 76;
1800 Respect, 1800 737 732;
Mensline Australia, 1300 789 978;
Beyond Blue, 1300 224 636;
Suicide Call Back, 1300 650 467; and
Health Direct, 1800 022 222.
If you are at risk or experiencing homelessness, contact Link2Home on 1800 152 152 and contact the Sacred Heart Catholic Church on 0408 627 692 to attend this year’s free Christmas lunch.
Meals on Wheels will also be delivering meals each day of the holidays, including Christmas Day.
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