Food donations required to feed children, homeless

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Linking Communities Network (LCN) Ltd Griffith, which is the lead agency for homelessness services in the Western Murrumbidgee provides a number of services including emergency accommodation, to assist clients who have lost their tenancy or have suffered family breakdown.

Due to the current housing crisis the service is concentrating its efforts on the prevention of homelessness where possible.

Three years ago they established a food pantry for people struggling on a limited income who require additional assistance to feed their families.
It is a difficult time for families who often struggle to make it through the fortnight, sometimes having to choose between rent and food.

“LCN assists with 40 to 50 hampers per week and additionally provides food to homeless people who are currently accommodated in motels or camping grounds due to a lack of alternatives,” said LCN Deputy CEO, Kirrilly Salvestro.

There are many families who have been affected by economic downturn, rent increases, loss of employment and domestic violence who require assistance to provide themselves and/or their children with three meals a day.

The service urgently requires assistance with non-perishable goods to contribute to their hampers, and any contributions would be greatly appreciated.

Donations of canned goods, pasta, sauce, noodles, Longlife milk, toiletries and other personal items will assist the service to continue this valuable work.

Please contact LCN on 69644804 for more information or drop donations to their office at 177 Yambil Street Griffith.

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