Griffith Carevan Serves Up To 300 Meals Weekly

Griffith Community Carevan volunteers make crostoli for a recent fundraiser for the group.
Since getting up and running in 2014, Griffith Carevan has grown to a point where they are serving up close to 300 meals each week.
With facilities available at the Griffith Community Centre, the team now serves all meals out of the cafe at the Community Centre on Olympic Street.
More and more people are being referred to the Carevan for help, and referrals are coming from a broad cross-section of the community, from carer advocates and multicultural groups through to centrelink.
Janice Sartor said as they were a non-funded organisation, they relied heavily on community donations to run the program.
“Once upon a time, we used to take the food to the chefs around town to cook, but the quantities have almost doubled,” Ms Sartor said.
“We’re always looking for donations and sponsorship, whether it be food, time, money - anything helps.
“We do a lot of fundraising.
“This year, we took on the canteen for the home games for the Warratahs and the Soccer tournament.
“Our volunteers cooked up plates of crostoli for us to sell.”
They are currently running a raffle for Christmas, with 20 fantastic prizes up for grabs.
Every little bit helps.
With the rising cost of living, more and more people need a hand up; people who may never have found themselves in such a position before.
“Deb Longhurst always says, “Most people are just three rental or mortgage payments away from being broke”,” Ms Sartor said.
“Nobody has that kitty for a rainy day anymore.
“We see a lot of different people come through; a lot more cultures that we haven’t seen through before.”
There is no judgement from the team at Griffith Carevan, and they often provide more than a hot, nutritious meal and a friendly chat.
Ms Sartor said they have helped out with nappies and baby items for young mums doing it tough, dry food for animals and a little financial support with outstanding bills.
“If we’ve got a lot of leftovers, I try to take it to the Women’s Refuge or the Youth Refuge; try to share the love,” Ms Sartor said.
If you have everything you need this Christmas, consider asking loved ones to make a donation to Griffith Carevan on your behalf as their gift to you.
It would make a world of difference to people struggling to feed their families.
Don’t forget to purchase some tickets in the raffle, too.
Contact Griffith Carevan on 02 6962 4144 or 0412 373 019 to get your hands on some raffle tickets, to volunteer or to reach out for help.
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