Historic Sites In Darlington Point And Jerilderie To Be Restored

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Six historic sites in Darlington Point and Jerilderie will undergo essential repairs and restorations, courtesy of a generous funding allocation totalling $25,000.

The funding, facilitated by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Murrumbidgee Council aims to safeguard the rich cultural legacy of these iconic landmarks.

Included in the funding allocation were consultation fees with the local heritage advisor.

Selected through a meticulous evaluation process, the successful recipients were:

  • The Homestead, the Barracks, Darlington Point - repair the roof and repair/restore original features, $5,000.00;

  • St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Jerilderie - repair damage caused by rising damp, $5,000;

  • Punt Hotel, Darlington Point - repair and paint the balcony, $4,000;

  • The former Presbyterian Church Darlington Point - replace fascia timber and paint, $4,000;

  • Toganmain Woolshed, Darlington Point - restump the cook’s quarters, $4750.00; and

  • Darlington Point Post Office - repaint the front of the post office, $1,000.00.

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